Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
Global Support Delivery Americas People Matter Website
In the spring of 2016, I worked at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise. The previous site that has since migrated was difficult to navigate and relied on a long list of hyperlinks that needed to be constantly updated with new information.
The goal was to create a platform employees will use regularly to receive news, events, volunteer opportunities, Getting to Know You videos, Customer Success Stories, Voice of the Workforce, etc. The previous site that has since migrated was difficult to navigate and relied on a long list of hyperlinks that needed to be constantly updated with new information.
The current website relies on popular hit-stories and articles from different regional news. It is also providing data and populating the headlines with the Employee and Engagement team's own events or success stories. It automatically links to the Facebook pages to continuously get the latest stories or speak one's mind freely.
Remember to use hashtags! Hashtags will generate a list of links of articles, posts, images, etc. associated with it and bring overall awareness to the company as a whole.